We have another modeling stream live today! As always, if you miss it, you can still see it later on, on our YouTube channel.
We have another modeling stream live today! As always, if you miss it, you can still see it later on, on our YouTube channel.
We’ve got a modeling live stream up and running as of right now, and we recommend you to go and check it out! One of our project’s 3D modelers will be working on some new game objects. Watch the stream here.
This will just be a very quick update, but we’d like to assure you that the game is still coming along! We’ve been a little more quiet lately as we’ve been hard at work on several features, which we’d like to announce as one big surprise eventually.
Stick around to get the latest on the project, don’t hesitate to ask questions, and also join our Discord server! (Before you ask any questions though, be sure to check the FAQ).
We’re currently looking for people who can model 3D pony bases, and the various aspects of a pony’s appearance such as manes and tails, outfits, accessories, etc. If you are interested, please contact us or drop by our Discord server‘s recruitment channel to apply!
We have encountered server issues that are causing the Create a Pony Web Prototype to be inaccessible. We are working on the issue and will announce when it is up and running again.