Spring is here, and we’re once again looking to expand our team with talented individuals! To be more specific, we’re especially looking for C# programmers experienced with scripting behaviors. Some responsibilities would include:
- Scripting various pony interactions
- Scripting object interactions and behaviors
- Creating systems that hold various elements of character data
Knowledge about the inner mechanics of life simulators, as well as experience with object-oriented programming is preferred!
Please apply using our contact form, or alternatively you can reach out to us on our Discord server, following the links below:
Hi, I’m wondering if other races besides Ponies will be added to the game? For example: Dragons, Changelings, Kirins, Crystal Ponies, Griffins, Discord?
It will but just not in the current base game they’ll release first.
The team said in the discord group that the game only will have ponies, unicorns and pegasus.
Sorry, no griffins and dragons for us.
It will but just not in the current base game they’ll release first.
will there be holidays like in the animated series?
Is there a way to mod other races in tho?
We are planning to add modding support when we get the game more fleshed out, so it would technically be possible.