Project delayed

Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, we have to delay the release of the project. We understand that this may be frustrating and disappointing, and we apologize for this. A lot of members of our team have unfortunately encountered issues, such as with COVID or being unable to allocate time to the project at the moment due to work or family, that have made it to where they are unable to work on the game. We simply don’t have a large enough team to counteract this, and with the difficulty finding new team members, we’re forced to delay the project. This does not mean that the project is cancelled, however.


If you are a C# programmer, 3D modeler, or concept artist and are looking to use your skills to work on a project, feel free to contact us. We could really use your help!


Again, we apologize for these circumstances, and we hope you’ll stick around with us through this. You’ve been an amazing community!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! – Final Progress Update 2021

We hope you’ve all had and will continue to have a wonderful holiday season! We wanted to thank you, the community, for following this project and supporting us this far. With the unpredictability of the year, and the various events that have affected everyone and their families, it really means a lot to have your support. With 2021 coming to a close, and the project continuing development, we hope to see you all stick around with us for 2022 and the progress that’s to come! 


Remember – we are always open to recruiting new developers who have a passion for ponies, life simulators, and game development, and additionally a passion for small fangame projects such as this one. If you’re interested in programming, 3D modeling, animating, or even create sound effects or music for the game, we’d love to hear from you! With the more help we can get, the better we can make this game and the more likely we can bring it to reality! You can contact us here on our website if you are interested in becoming a part of our team for 2022.


Nonetheless, whether you are a fan of the project or a potential developer interested in joining our team, we hope to see you in 2022!

New live stream uploaded!

In case you missed us the other day, we’ve uploaded our Friday live stream as a video you can watch now! In this stream, we worked on refining our 3D pony models, including a small bit of animation here and there, and development of a special Halloween-themed pony! Additionally, we answered lots of questions from the community, and you can see the answers in the chat to get caught up with the project. We plan to continue with more streams like this in the near future, and we’ll update you on the progress of the game.

Remember, if you would like to talk with the rest of our community and ask us development questions, feel free to stop by our Discord:

July Object Contest Winners Announced!

Attention! We’ve finally announced our July Object Creation Contest winners! It was a tough pick, as we received a lot of really awesome submissions. But we’ve managed to narrow it down to the three best – and they’ve won a spot in the game.


To see the winners and their awesome object submissions, drop by our Discord in our #announcements channel and it will be the latest message you see, paired with 3 images (the submissions).


Also, be sure to stick around to follow the development of this project, AND see the latest contests we have running. You could have a chance to participate and win in our next one!


A teaser…

We know you’re probably wondering… how is the sky around the lot going to work? Instead of having an isolating gray void surrounding the lots your ponies live on and visit, there will instead be a dynamic sky that adds a little charm and makes the game feel less empty beyond the visible lot. Although not fully developed and implemented yet, the sky will change based on the time of day in the game. So for example, during normal daytime, the sky will be blue with scattered clouds, while evening and dawn will have various orange tones. And as you can see from the image, nighttime will be a dark purple with scattered animated stars – which can help liven up the atmosphere while your ponies are sleeping and there is minimal action happening on the lot.