March 2018 Project Update

Hello everypony! We’re happy to announce that with our hard work over the past months, we’ve been able to get a basic buy and build mode in order (though build mode is still quite incomplete). Object placement, a floor tool, and of course the important data that accompanies it. Through the coming months, we promise to build upon the game more and more until we’re able to release a playable pre-alpha build. As we promise, the game will be free to play all through development and even when it’s completed. We estimate that the first playable build will be out by summer, but keep in mind that can always change. The last important thing that we’d like to tell you is that we still need help with 3D modelling and animating, so if you’re interested in helping, feel free to contact us and you could have a chance to become a part of the project!

3D modeling and animating positions still open!

This project is still looking for any 3D modelers and animators looking to contribute! Keep in mind that this is a hobby project, so all work is unpaid, but credit is definitely given where credit is due. Contact us if you would be interested in helping the project, and the project manager will reply as soon as possible. Be sure that you’ve got a way to show some of your great work that you can show as an example of your skills!

Happy New Year!

We hope that everypony will have a wonderful 2018, and in the year we plan to provide you even more insight into the content we will create for The Ponies. The project has had a great run through all of 2017, so we hope this year will be even better. With each major change in every build of the game, we will showcase it both on our website and our social media pages.