Happy New Year!

We hope that everypony will have a wonderful 2018, and in the year we plan to provide you even more insight into the content we will create for The Ponies. The project has had a great run through all of 2017, so we hope this year will be even better. With each major change in every build of the game, we will showcase it both on our website and our social media pages.

December Update

We’ve got some exciting news for you of some stuff we’ve been working on in the past month. Firstly, we now have a basic terrain system which will be used for the game’s lots. We plan on soon having a customizable terrain, which would include tools for raising, lowering, and re-texturing it. Secondly, we’ve been further piecing together the main parts of the game’s UI, such as the general HUD and a brand new Create-A-Pony UI. The smaller things we’ve been working on include more of the game’s objects, as well as silly descriptions for them. We hope you’ll stick around for more information and updates on The Ponies Project!