When will this game be released?

This is perhaps the most asked question we receive, and we’d like to share the answer right on the front of our website. The answer is we don’t know yet. You may ask why, and the answer to that would be because this game is developed as a hobby project by a small team of devs, and though we do work very hard – it is virtually impossible to choose a release date. We do have a plan for what years we plan to release certain builds that we try to work towards, but this is basically a “done when it’s done” type of deal. However, we will continue to keep you posted on the game’s development, about what milestones we’ve reached and show off new implementations in videos, but we are currently in the pre-alpha phase (which is very early development), so a public alpha build won’t be available for a while. We are getting relatively close though to a playable build, but keep in mind that this first playable build may not have ponies or live simulation implemented yet – but you will be able to build cool homes and play with various architectural features! The build that would soon follow after that is most likely going to have playable ponies in it, but as that would still be early in development, not a whole lot of live simulation features would be implemented, only the basic ones. Nevertheless, we at The Ponies Team know are all eager to play this, and so are we! And we promise to keep notifying you of new project milestones, changes, and more. Thank you for all your support thus far!

Answering Some Common Questions

We’ve been receiving some frequent comments which we would like to answer right here on the front of our website. We hope this will provide a little more understanding about this project.

1. When will this game be available?
– It will be done when it’s done, there’s no set release. Though, we do plan on releasing a proof of concept demo by the end of the year if possible, and we estimate this should be completed within the 2020-2023 range.

2. Where can I download this game?
– As it is not yet available, there are no places in which this game can be downloaded. However, when we have a build ready, we will share download links on our site.

3. This project seems slow, what’s up with that?
– This is a hobby project, plus most developers have a schedule for school and/or work, so having time to work on this is usually a little difficult for them, but all of us still work hard and stick to making the well-known “MLP in The Sims” animations become a reality.

As always, contact us if you have any questions and we’ll reach you as soon as possible. Typically, the best way to reach us is through our Discord server.

Programming position open!

UPDATE: The position is now filled. Thank you for your interest! If any new positions open up again, we will share about it again.

Attention! We have a new programming position open! Currently, we need someone who can start with assisting in creating and implementing Sims style walls (and the wall tool), and eventually work on other tools such as terrain adjustment, pond and pool tools, etc. Some important things to note: the game’s language is C#, and we are developing with Unity 2017.3.0f3 (f1 works as well). Game files are accessed via Gitea (like GitHub but more secure), and tasks are organized and managed on HacknPlan.


If you are interested in helping, go ahead and contact us here, or on our Discord server.

Graphics progress sneak peek

Want to get a quick look at some graphics exploration for our game? You can watch the video above to satisfy your curiosity. These are not final graphics, and are subject to change throughout development. At the moment, we plan to have a more “flat” look, but with the shadow style seen in the video. We also plan to include various prop effects, much like the flower and the wind as also seen in the video.